I Like Senpai! (1x26)
Phone calls keep pouring in, inquiring about Aki. News has spread that Yui and Aki will be doing a collaboration. Yui is not pleased because they were not even consulted to begin with. But Aki says she's okay with it. Yui tries to dissuade her since she knows Aki is not used to such things that Yui is doing (dressing up in "cosplay," being bombarded by cameras). Daikichi says not to worry because they will be standing guard and even suggests that Yui could help Aki out by "dressing up as an Ama and sell unidonburi". Without realizing it, he mentions the word "rivals" and somehow Yui suddenly changes her mind and agrees to do it. (Apparently, it's a sign that she hates to lose). Next morning, Aki and Yui do what they're told to do. The ride is jam-packed with happy passengers, taking their pictures and buying unidonburi while Daikichi and Yoshida are just over the moon. Back at the Amano home, Natsu and the rest frantically churn out more unidonburi to sell but are running out of uni. Rokuro tells them that more kilos of uni will be arriving from another village. Haruko wakes up to the ruckus and is surprised to learn about the collaboration. That night everyone is celebrating the fact that for the month of September, the KitaTetsu has finally earned a profit. "I don't even remember if this ever happened before!" an emotional Daikichi exclaims. But Haruko is not rejoicing. She tells Daikichi she will not allow Aki to do what she did that morning. "It's unsightly, turning my daughter into a spectacle." But Natsu defends the decision, saying there is nothing wrong with it. "The Ama tourism IS a service industry. It's a long cherished dream to have more customers." Haruko asks Aki if she's really okay with it. "Is this what you stayed here for?" Aki replies, "If I'm helping everyone, then I'm fine with it." However, when going home, Aki looks pensive, seemingly doubtful of her own response. Back at the bar, Sugawara and Daikichi talk about how their perception about