Coronation Street
29th May 1978 (19x43)
Clayton's Warehouse is gutted. Len worries about losing the penalty clause. Another supplier agrees to supply the material for cash. They wait for the insurance company to pay up. Steve, Fred and Eddie dress as babies and the race starts. The men have to drink a pint in eight pubs as fast as they can. Steve finds the drinking hard while Mavis finds it hard work pushing Eddie. They change places and go down the back alleys. Suzie and Steve win the race by a neck. Ena, as steward, reveals that Suzie drank half of Steve's last pint so they are disqualified and the Loftus' are proclaimed the winners. Mavis and Eddie's pram wheel buckles and they don't finish the course. Doug Clayton tells Len and Ray that the warehouse was insured, but not the contents.