

Children's Fight Club (2007x30)


The internet is without question one of the greatest inventions of our time. For the majority of users it's a great source of information - the good by far out-weighing the bad. But the bad is becoming more and more of a concern. When we first came across the hundreds of violent videos that had been uploaded to various websites, we were shocked by the senseless and excessive violence, the age of those involved and the lack of sympathy from those watching and those who used their mobile phones to film the incident and egg-on the attacker/s. No matter how many videos I witnessed during our research I was shocked and flinched, and still do, at the impact of the blows that rained down on the victims. Be it by foot or fist or weapon. Meeting and speaking to victims and their parents, like "Joe", from Glasgow in Scotland, who had no idea the assault on their son was on the internet for others' entertainment made our investigation all the more important.

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  • : 2096
  • : 49
  • BBC One
  • 20