The Secret Life of Us
The Cycle (3x2)
Called "The Cycle", this episode is about the lifecycle our characters. Evans voiceover talks about the cycle in the city compared to the country, where in the city it's basically all about "night, when you sleep or try to, and day".
We then see each character progressing through their day - Rex & Alex retreating to bed as they don't have to be in at the hospital until 3 that afternoon, Evan in his new job making bets on which hat the cute girl at work will wear that day, Kelly at Uni, Gab at her work seeing a man who's recently been sacked because he discovered he wasn't being paid the award rate, Christian & Miranda squabbling over the milk and then Miranda at her new job, proceeding to ask Chloe if she'd like to come over to her and Christian's place for dinner tomorrow night.
Evan heads for drinks with his workmates & then continues to tell us about the week, saying "Monday you go home and watch TV, Tuesday is pretty much the same as Monday, Wednesday you start worrying about your weight or exercise and Thursday the stress begins to show and the pressure must be alleviated". Christian, Kelly and Gab are sitting in Christian & Miranda's place talking about the parallels of Star Wars and everyday life. Christian's asking whether you would be friends with Luke Skywalker considering that he controls the universe. The discussion develops to talking about September 11 and how bizarre it was the 911 is the US emergency number, and why no plane wreckage was found at the pentagon. They decide that Luke Skywalker can't exactly be compared to Osama Bin Laden. And so we hear Evan again tell us that a day in our lives is simply "a passage of time that is now over and we'll never remember it again in our lives but it will repeated again & again.
The next day, obviously Friday, we see the characters fast forwarding through the morning, Evan waking up and heading for the bathroom, Miranda throwing up her hands at the empty fridge, Gab heading into her office, Alex & Rex