Last Copy (1x8)
Ethan tries to take a copy of Lego Star Wars II from a person who got it before he could.
Ethan arrives at Game Haven anxious to pick up his copy of Lego Star Wars II. Barry tells him that he never pre-ordered it and that the last copy had just been sold to the guy that Ethan passed on the way into the store. Ethan promptly leaps onto the hood of the customer's car and offers to buy the game off of him. The customer refuses and Ethan is forced to follow the man home. Once there Ethan tries a couple of method for getting into the man's house. First he uses what appears to be a sex doll on stick to attempt to distract the man but he fails to get inside. Next Ethan dresses in a full Sam Fisher outfit from Splinter Cell and attempts to sneak into the customer's house. Ethan is of course discovered and is taken captive by the man. Ethan is forced to play a series of video games with the man and is forced to lose. Ethan eventually draws the line when the man attempts to force him play Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) with him. Ethan escapes with Lego Star Wars II and rushes home to play it. About five seconds into the game Ethan proclaims "This game sucks!"