Big Brother (US)

Big Brother (US)

Live Eviction #5; HoH Comp #6 (12x16)


Season 12: Episode 16: This Week's Evicted Houseguest Gets the Dubious Distinction of Being the First Jury Member In response to Brendon’s strongly worded speech at the veto ceremony, Ragan calls him a “neanderthal” for being so aggressive. Britney is just as furious at Brendon, and suggests that he should be the one to leave this week. In the storage room, Brendon tells Rachel that he lashed out at Ragan and Britney as a strategy, so this way he will definitely go home over his “true love.” Brendon admits in diary room that some people may think he’s an idiot for giving up a half-million dollars for a girl, but he’s more than willing to do it for someone he loves. Soon after Rachel and Britney talk in the cabana room. Britney tells Rachel that Brendon hates women, but their friendship is fine. Britney tells Rachel she is worried thatthe “sinking ship” that is Brendon is hurting Rachel’s game, and Rachel starts to cry. Rachel reveals in the diary room that she made a point of getting upset in front of Britney to help solidify Brendon’s plan and make it seem like she had no idea about the attack. Britney goes outside to vent to Enzo, Lane and Hayden about Brendon’s behavior. They listen politely, but when Britney walks off they laugh about their astounding good luck. Everyone in the house is at each other’s throats, but once again, the members of their secret Brigade alliance are totally safe. Upstairs the fourth Brigade member and Head of Household Matt hangs out with his house pal Ragan. Initially the idea was to get Rachel out this week, but after the stunt Brendon pulled, the target may have changed. Will Brendon’s plan work? Later that night Rachel tries to make amends with Ragan, a former friend. Rachel wants to know what happened, but Ragan wants none of it. He calmly yet firmly picks Rachel’s game apart, telling her that they operate on different levels and that she is a “bad sport.” Rachel leaves in tears while

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