Big Brother (US)

Big Brother (US)

Live Eviction #4; HoH Comp #5 (12x13)


Season 12: Episode 13: The Secret Showmance is Broken Up as Another HouseGuest is Sent Packing “What just happened?” Hayden asks. He thought he had a deal with Brendon and Head of Household Rachel, with Kathy going up on the chopping block in his place. Britney thought she was using the veto, until she found out Rachel was going to put up her buddy Lane instead of Kathy. Britney knows Hayden and Kristen are upset, but Britney didn’t want to chance Lane going home. It turns out Rachel had no intention of making a “super alliance” with Hayden and Kristen, and threw Lane’s name out there to make sure Britney didn’t use the veto. Rachel has one goal this week—get Kristen out of the house! Kathy comforts a tearful Kristen in the rust bedroom. Both of the women think Britney is being controlled by the devil, aka Rachel. Meanwhile Hayden hustles outside to the “devil” and Brendon. Hayden tells them that there are no hard feelings, and Brendon and Rachel assure him he is safe this week because Brendon is a sure vote for Hayden to stay. With Brendon’s vote and three votes from his secret alliance the Brigade, Hayden knows he won’t be going home. Hayden then goes into the rust bedroom to check in on Kristen, but Britney interrupts. Britney explains what Rachel told her, and Kristen realizes Rachel purposely derailed any possible four-way alliance between the two showmances because Rachel wants Kristen out. Britney leaves them as Kristen begins to break down. Hayden comforts her, and encourages her to campaign for herself. Bad Hair Day Later that night, Britney, Matt and Ragan clown around in the HoH suite, with Britney and Matt deciding to put in Rachel’s hair extensions. The antics are going strong when all the sudden Rachel and Brendon walk in! Britney is terrified that she just got busted, but Rachel is a good sport and enjoys the imitation. Britney can’t believe Rachel doesn’t realize that they are making fun of her, but

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  • CBS
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