Big Brother (US)

Big Brother (US)

PoV Comp #4; PoV Ceremony #4 (12x12)


Season 12: Episode 12: The Power of Veto Holder Faces a Game Changing Decision ­Hayden knows Head of Household Rachel nominated him and his secret showmance Kristen because Rachel thinks they are coming after her and Brendon. Hayden has a newsflash for Rachel—everyone is coming after Rachel and Brendon! Kristen is angry but anticipated the nomination. Her goal now is to stay another week without hurting Hayden in the process. Up in the HoH suite, Brendon tells Rachel she was harsh when she told Hayden and Kristen to “bring it on,” and notes that kind of behavior only makes them bigger targets. When he suggests Rachel apologize to Hayden and Kristen, she first gets mad and then gets teary. After more hemming and hawing, Rachel reluctantly goes down to the rust bedroom and half-heartedly apologizes to Hayden and Kristen. Hayden isn’t all that impressed, but up in the HoH Suite, Brendon is happy Rachel made the effort. But soon Rachel and Brendon are sniping at each other again. “Am I supposed to bake cookies and sing Kumbaya,” Rachel asks, before warning Brendon that if they keep arguing this way, it’s the end of their relationship. Wizard of Pinball It’s time for the Veto competition. In the random draw for players, Rachel picks Britney, Hayden picks Ragan, and Kristen picks Enzo. Hayden is disappointed that he drew a wild card like Ragan, while an unsuspecting Kristen doesn’t realize Enzo has no interest in using the Veto this week, since he wants Kristen to go home, a move that works best for his secret Brigade alliance with Hayden, Lane and Matt. The HouseGuests come outside and find a huge pinball table dominating the back yard. The player who shoots the farthest from the center Veto slot is eliminated, but gets a prize. Host Brendon warns them not to get too attached, because successive players can choose to keep or exchange their gifts. The end of the game leaves everyone left with a series of great and not-so-gre

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  • CBS
  • Måndag 20