Chapter 8 (Herod the Great dies) (1x8)
Four years later, in Egypt, Mary and Joseph take care of little Jesus. With them Tiago Justo and José Filho, the two brothers of Jesus. Herod has a crisis and is saved by the servant. He orders a massacre. Nicodemus and Caiaphas comment on the atrocities committed by Herod. The king makes changes in his will and says his time is coming. Maria says she misses Ana and Joaquim. Archelaus is warned of Herod's state of health. In the mountainous region of Judea, Zechariah and Elizabeth receive the help of the servant Elza in the creation of the little John the Baptist. Archelaus sees Herod at his last and approaches. He provokes his father and says he will win the trust of the people. Powerless, Herod is furious and dies. Satan watches the city. An officer announces the death of Herod. Jews celebrate in the streets. The news reaches the temple. Tribuno sends word to Rome. In the dungeon of the palace, Barrabas, already greater, is released along with the other prisoners. Antipas is warned about his father's death and asks when the will will be read. Barabbas rejoins Simon and discovers that Saul sold Cívia as a slave. Herod's testament is read. Antipas is disappointed and asks to speak alone with his brother, Arquelau. Barabbas meets Saul and threatens him with a knife. Antipas threatens Arquelau, but does not dare to kill him. Barabbas meets Simon and says they must flee. Simeon and Hanna wonder about the whereabouts of the Messiah. Barrabas says he and his brother will never see their mother again. Gabriel appears before Joseph and says that the time has come to return to Israel. Archelaus receives some Jews and revolts. He orders everyone to die in the temple. Satan watches, satisfied, the killing. Joseph, Mary and the children meet a pastor on the way. They learn of the killing at the temple in Jerusalem and are alerted to the cruelty of Archelaus. They go to Nazareth. A few days pass and they meet again Ana and Joaquim. Maria discovers that Sula has not been able