A Trick of Fate
Capítulo 99 (1x99)
Davi wears his mask to lose Matias and Isadora questions him. Davi convinces Isadora that she is delirious with a fever. Matias tells Leonidas that he cannot lose another daughter and the boy questions him about the girl he had with Heloísa. Olivia demands a negotiation with Eugênio and Violeta, on behalf of the factory workers. Davi tells Isadora that Yolanda is gone. Giovanna takes care of Cipriano. Silvana tells Bento that she hasn't given up on living a new love. Heloísa asks Arminda for help so that Isadora can redeem herself with Darcy Vargas. The weavers go on strike and Joaquim calls the delegate Salvador. Isadora and David kiss.