

Top 5 Reasons ████ ██ ██████ (2011x136)


By attempting to control the internet, Congress can't help but do anything but screw it up. They want to create a system whereby any website in America could be turned off at a moment's notice. And if they can do it, don't worry, they will. Websites will be so afraid of this new power that they will not wait to be censored, they will censor themselves, stifling the culture of creation that has become so powerful on the internet. Congress will never be able to keep up with the people who want to infringe on copyright, but they will be able to track down and stomp out casual users who want to cover songs, create mashups, GIFs, videos, let's plays, and commentaries. They'll do a great job of scaring legitimate users while missing the real violators, who have enough expertise and free time to get around whatever blocks the government puts in place. It's idiotic...technology has created a new paradigm for content creators. They cannot legislate this technology away, and even if they could they shouldn't. Please contact your senators and representatives, and tell them to vote against the Protect IP and SOPA bills. Tell them that you think copyright law is important, but constricting the freedom of the internet is not the way to do it.

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