This Week in Tech

This Week in Tech

Poultry Carceral State (2019x23)


The Mac Pro is Only for the People Who Need It • The iPad Grows Up with iPadOS • Where is Apple Headed? • iTunes is Dead! Hurrah! • Apple Triples Down on Privacy • Memoji Makeup is a Minefield • SwiftUI is the Future of Coding • 3D Touch is Almost Officially a Failure • Cyberpunk 2077 is Going to be the Best Keanu Reeves Game Ever • Who is Google Stadia For? • Google's Outage Last Week Shows that We are Not Ready for Google Stadia • YouTube's Biggest Problem: The Recommendation Engine • Jeff Bezoz Interrupted By Animal Rights Protestor • Fed Ex to Cut Ties with Amazon • Amazon Drones Are Still A Ways Off • 68 Percent of Facebook Investors Vote to Fire Mark Zuckerberg • Facebook's Bitcoin Alternative is a Solution in Search of a Problem • Microsoft Thinks Gamers Stink • RIP Maker Faire

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