Getting Along (2x235)
Caillou learns how to get along with others today. When he learns a bad word from an older child, Caillou uses it on Clementine and hurts her feelings. When Mommy finds out, she makes Caillou apologize, and soon he and Clementine are friends again. Caillou and Rosie are at odds as they play in the sandbox. Caillou promises Mommy that they will take turns and share the space. Later, Caillou learns just how important it is to keep a promise when he meets up with his friends Jason and Jeffery in the park. The twin boys promise to take Caillou to the circus, but then don’t follow through with their promise. Meanwhile, Gilbert’s upset with Rexy for messing up his game with Teddy, but thanks to Teddy all is resolved.
In order: Caillou's Cross Word, Caillou's Promise Caillou's New Friend, Caillou's Quarrel