This Week in Tech

This Week in Tech

Foursquare for Drunks (2019x18)


•Microsoft Build Preview •Microsoft's Privacy Reputation: How Deserved Is It? •Surface Studio Pros and Cons •Facebook's Privacy Problems on Display at F8 •Tik Tok: Facebook Killer or Just the Next Vine? •The Broken World of Social Media •Is Instagram Spying on Me? •Should Mark Zuckerberg be Personally Punished for Facebook's Failings? •Google Down on Earnings Report •Google I/O Preview •Attack of the Voice Assistants •Apple App Store Insanity •Apple Up on Earnings Reports •Surface vs MacBook vs Chromebook •Folding Phones are Still the Future: How Far in the Future Remains to be Seen •Who Wants Wearables? •How to Auto-delete your Google Location Info •2020 Presidential Candidates' Email is Surprisingly Easy to Hack •ACLU Sues US over Warrantless Border Phone Searches •Video Game Hall of Fame Adds Solitaire and Mario Kart •RIP Anki and Jibo :( •Screaming Roomba •Verizon Wants to Sell Tumblr After Destroying It •The Internet vs Sonic the Hedgehog •AR Brings 5 Madonnas to Life •Firefox Extensions Down After Glitch •Visit for National Mental Health Awareness Month

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