Caillou Forgets His Toys (2x27)
(A42 WIP title: "Potatoes and Eggs, Oh My") Caillou's Dad takes Caillou over to his Grandparents' house, but no one seems to be there. Dad rings the doorbell and Grandpa shows up. Caillou wants to show Grandpa his spinning top, but then realizes that he left his bag in the car. It's too late, as Dad has already left. Grandpa leaves Caillou with Grandma because he has to go to the store. Just then, Dad comes back, having noticed Caillou's bag. He gives it to Grandpa to give to Caillou, but then Grandpa gets a phone call and forgets all about the bag. In the meantime, Caillou is in the garden being grumpy. Grandma shows Caillou the thrilling excitement of finding potatoes and then they go inside where they make prints from pieces of potato. Grandpa arrives back, but he's forgotten to buy eggs. Caillou conveniently happens to have made a print of an egg, so he goes with Grandpa to the store to help him remember. They get back and Grandma's making vegetable soup. Caillou makes a funny face from Grandma's vegetables and Dad arrives to pick Caillou up. It's then that Grandpa realizes that he forgot about the bag. But it doesn't matter anymore because Caillou had fun anyway.