Road Rules
Rock Diving (12x10)
Cara complains about living in the small RV with five other people. Not enjoying this sort of lifestyle, she is, like, so ready for a hotel stay. Christena reminds her that a true test of a person's character is when he's had everything taken away from him. Cara's secretly hoping that doesn't mean she has to give up her hair spray. Cara and Donell gush about how great it is that they met each other on this trip and how they've helped each other through the hard times thus far. Cue the music: Keep smiling, keep shining... Anyway, you get the picture; schmoopies and hugs are exchanged.
The next clue asks if the Roadies are ready to ""dive into their next mission,"" so they meet at an aquatic center to train for the next day's official mission. They learn how to execute a ten meter high dive while Donell masters the art of workin' it in a Speedo. Their mission mayor informs them that they will hit the water at about 60-70 miles an hour and there isn't a lot of room for mistakes, one false m