Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast
Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast
RHLSTP 82 - Stuart Goldsmith - Rear Window (8x1)
RHLSTP is back (it feels like it never went away) and another kickstarted series begins ALL FOR FREE. Richard is worried that David Cameron has just made all his emergency questions irrelevant and amazed by the way the world has changed in the brief hiatus between series.
And it’s a PODCLASH as his first guest is the host of the brilliant comedian’s comedian as well as Richard’s backdoor neighbour, Stuart Goldsmith. With (pretty much) all new emergency questions to try out there’s a lot to talk about including how to breathe fire, what Rumpel the Kangaroo King is really like, the BBC’s plans to transport all children to the future and …
Also there’s speculation on egg-gate and shit-by-the-gate-gate, as well as the opportunity to purchase a property with a direct view of Stuart Goldsmith’s penis.