Sleek Geeks

  • :
  • : 14
  • : 0
  • ABC (US)
  • Documentary Talk show



Episode overview
The Sleek Geeks have a life-affirming message for you tonight. I am - you are - we are - superhuman. Tucked away in our bodies are the most amazing powers and abilities and the Geeks are ready to explore
Big Mouth
Episode overview
Do you know anyone with Bum Breath? Is it you? The Geeks look at the mouth, the bacteria, the gases and show you how to self-test for bad breath. Karl and Adam have tubes stuck down .. show full overview
Why is it so 1
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
Episode overview
The End is Nigh – well possibly, but it certainly won't be anything to do with the Mayan Calendar. In this episode Karl and Adam sort the molten lava from the palaver and tell you why .. show full overview
Episode overview
Why do we eat and what does it do to us? This week Karl and Adam examine the science of eating and energy. Karl explains how eating determines our body temperature, and he illustrates .. show full overview
Why is it so 2
Episode overview
Back by special demand, Karl and Adam take on yet another episode of answering questions from the studio audience and the website. In this edition Karl and Adam tackle questions about .. show full overview
Episode overview
Karl and Adam take us through the fascinating world of colour, and Claudia Karvan joins students of Brent Street School to learn about rainbows.
Episode overview
So what actually happens after you drink a glass of water? How does it come out the other end? We follow liquid through peristalsis all the way to the bladder. We see a remarkable .. show full overview