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  • : 131
  • YouTube
  • Comedy Fantasy Mini-series Suspense



I Know What You Didn't Do Last Summer
Episode overview
Growing weary of the research frenzy following the discovery that Perry is now, apparently, possessed by THE DEAN; Laura turns to DIY library improvements and Carmilla stages an intervention.
Episode overview
When The Dean says one thing and does another, LaF and Carmilla research, rattle and roll their way to what might be… a clue? Laura knits. Aggressively.
Relative Positions
Episode overview
Under what could be a siege or just some very aggressive extra-library maneuvers, our heroes’ only chance at survival seems to be to go in “a room full of knives.” Will they take the leap?
Best Laid Plans
Episode overview
The Dean discusses consequences. Puzzles are had, and genius strikes from the mouth of the least enthused.
By The Book
Episode overview
In which some much needed scientific evidence of the “Two Idiots in Love” phenomena is observed. Our heroes have houseguests.
All The Rage
Episode overview
Death isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially in the minioning career path. Our heroes have some trouble on their hands with Danny and Theo, until an unexpected figure from Laura’s past appears.
Meet The Parent
Episode overview
Meeting the parents always seems to happen at the most inopportune time. Laura would later say that this was definitely not how she expected her dad to end up at Silas…
Episode overview
With his daughter safely rescued, Sherman Hollis is ready to take Laura and get the h-e-double hockey sticks outta dodge. Only, does Laura want that?
What Fresh Intel Is This?
Episode overview
Glitchus Interruptus! With the help of a library glitch, our heroes get a sneak peek at what’s going on at Casa Dean and realize things are getting worse. LaF and Carmilla try to make a plan, Laura has a decision to make…
Memory Lane
Episode overview
With the camera back on, Laura’s back in the saddle, er… computer chair. So please, if you see anything, or know anything about those Not!Sumerian runes let us know… We’re going to need all the help we can get.
Warning Signs
Episode overview
The gang discuss ways of getting the Sword of Hastur back from the Anglerfish pit.
Order of Magnitude
Episode overview
The gang have to deal with the fact that the Dean is in fact a god.
Risk Assessments
Episode overview
The gang experiment on the Sword of Hastur in hope they will find some clues about the third talisman.
Regrets, I've Had A Few
Episode overview
Laura and Carmilla discuss the fact that the third talisman is in fact Mattie's locket. Meanwhile JP contacts them with news on the Dean's progress with opening Hell Gates.
Demon Summoning Made Simple
Episode overview
The gang try to summon the goddess of death in hope she will help them defeat the Dean
The Heart of the Matter
Episode overview
The goddess of death uses Mattie as an avatar to propose Laura and Carmilla a wager
Coping Strategies
Episode overview
Laura has to deal with the fact that she might have crushed any hope of stopping the Dean when she killed Vordenberg. Laura and her father have a heartfelt conversation
Circular Logic
Episode overview
The gang discuss the best way of defeating the Dean without the fourth talisman and JP has an idea of his own. Laura and Carmilla try to establish the status of their relationship
The Exorcism of Lola Perry
Episode overview
The gang plan to exorcise the Dean, if possible without killing Perry
Fun and Mind Games
Episode overview
The exorcism they planned doesn't work and the gang are stuck with the Dean trapped in a magic circle
Family Feud
Episode overview
Showing up just in the nick of time to stop Carmilla from accidentally setting the Dean free, Mattie, ethereal agent of Ereshkigal, steps in to have a chat with her maker.
Break on Through
Episode overview
The Dean is set free by her minions and reveals her plans for Carmilla.
... To the Other Side
Episode overview
Laura is transported to an alternative version of the Silas Library.
Objects in the Rearview Mirror
Episode overview
Laura tries to get in contact with Vordenberg in the alternative reality. Meanwhile, LaFontaine and Carmilla are working on getting Laura back
If You're Lost, You Can Look
Episode overview
In a reality where she died, Laura meets parallel versions of Carmilla and Mattie
Time After Time
Episode overview
Laura and alternative Carmilla have a talk while Mattie is getting baron Vordenberg's heart
Back to the Total Lack of Future
Episode overview
Back in her own reality, Laura has to deal with failing to get Vordenberg's heart again.
Narrowing Paths
Episode overview
Laura and Carmilla come up with a new plan for stopping the Dean. LaFontaine is strongly against it, as it would kill Perry too
Long Goodbyes
Episode overview
Mattie reveals that killing the Dean would also kill Carmilla. Danny brings Kirsch to the Library
Places to Go, People to See
Episode overview
Getting ready to go into the Pit and fight the Dean and knowing they may not return, Laura and Carmilla say their goodbyes
A God Walks Into a Giant Pit...
Episode overview
The gang go into the Pit to face the Dean
They Blinded Me With Science
Episode overview
Laura's plan to stop the Dean is interrupted by LaFontaine, who wants to save Perry. The Dean reveals that the fourth talisman is a heart, but not the one that belonged to Vondenberg
Hell Hath No Fury
Episode overview
When her plan doesn't work as intended, the Dean wants to destroy the world. Laura is dying when she realizes that the Dean is simply broken-hearted after losing her one true love
Post Apocalypse
Episode overview
Carmilla deals with the consequences of Laura’s choice. What was taken is restored, what was bargained, granted. A journey, ending. I’m not crying you are.
