Democracy Now!
Tuesday, January 06, 2015 (2015x4)
2015/01/06 Headlines: Republicans to Push Keystone XL Pipeline as New Congress Convenes; Burundi: 100 Rebels Killed in Clashes with Military; Guatemala: Genocide Retrial of Former Dictator Ríos Montt Delayed; Germany: Tens of Thousands Oppose Anti-Muslim Rallies; Florida Becomes 36th State to Allow Same-Sex Marriage; James Risen Refuses to Discuss Source in Court Appearance; California Gov. Brown Inaugurated with Vow to Act on Climate Change; Oil Prices Dip to 6-Year Low amid Fracking Boom; 2 NYPD Officers Shot and Wounded; Drop in Arrests Continues; Judge Agrees to Consider Release of Eric Garner Grand Jury Records; Ferguson Grand Juror Sues for Right to Speak Out About Case; Undercover Probe Finds Mistreatment of Chickens Sent for Slaughter; Suicide of Transgender Teen Sparks Mass Call to Ban "Conversion Therapy"; CIA Inspector General to Resign for Private Sector Job