Looney Tunes
The Bugs Bunny Mystery Special (1980x9)
Porky Pig, appearing as Alfred Hitchcock, "Master of Mystery and Suspense," hosts the compilation of crime cartoons. He introduces us to the show: a whodunit thriller, starring Bugs Bunny... Out one day of a stroll, Bugs stops by the City Bank just as a daring holdup is in progress, comitted by a mysterious Tall Dark Strangler. The strangler makes his getaway, but Bugs is arrested by Special Agent Elmer Fudd and charged with the crime. And so begins a series of mistaken identities that involves Bugs in a mini-crime spree, with the hare nearly dubbed "Public Rabbit Number One", and which pits Bugs against Wile E. Coyote, Tweety and Sylvester, and Fudd