Candy Candy
Don't Give Up, Anthony! (1x22)
The messaging via pigeon continues. One day, they learn Anthony plans to participate in a rodeo in Tom's village. When Eliza learns of Anthony's plans, she informs great-aunt Elroy who charges Candy with the mission to dissuade Anthony on a visit out of fear for injury. Tom puts the risk of injury in perspective, and Candy mostly fears that Anthony will never really be able to embrace life under his great-aunt's wing. As they discuss the several rodeo contests, including a lasso-throwing contest, Candy has the idea to recruit Archibald and Alistear into joining along with the argument that if they all join the rodeo then their great-aunt cannot be angry with Anthony alone. But upon great-aunt Elroy's request the organizer denies them entry into the competitions. Per Candy's suggestion, Tom spreads the rumor in town that the Ardleys are cowards and the rodeo becomes a matter of family honor. Great-aunt Elroy relents and even cheers on Anthony from her carriage as he attempts to remain in the saddle while bronco-busting and beats Tom.