Democracy Now!
Thursday, August 29, 2013 (2013x173)
2013/08/29 Headlines: U.S. Faces New Hurdles to Military Intervention in Syria; Obama: U.S. Believes Assad Regime Behind Chemical Attack; Ban: U.N. Inspectors to Leave Syria on Saturday; Thousands Mark 50th Anniversary of March on Washington; 80 Killed in Iraq's Deadliest Day This Month; Taliban Attack Afghan Police, NATO Base; Russia Invades Home of Leading Gay Activist; Iranian Lawmakers Approve Suit Against U.S. for 1953 Coup; Hasan Sentenced to Death for Fort Hood Shooting Rampage; NYPD Labeled Mosques "Terrorism Enterprises" to Justify Surveillance; Zimmerman Wife Sentenced to Probation for Perjury; Defenses Seeks $300,000 From Taxpayers; U.S. Transfers 2 Guantánamo Prisoners to Algeria; Fast-Food, Retail Workers Stage Largest Strike to Date