Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo
It`s OK as an adult, so to say (1x5)
Tamotsu gives Tatsumi an assignment to prove his worth as an editor, but fails to live up to the master author's expectations. Sayaka tries once again to elude her classmates, but they corner her on a bridge and force her to show them her home. They criticize Sayaka for being too grown up, causing the young magical girl to dream of what it would be like to actually have the body of an adult.
The next day, Sayaka feigns illness and retreats to the nurse's office at school, where she transforms into an older version of herself with magic. While she is wandering around the town, she happens upon Tatsumi, who is studying an old relic in a corner of the city. Ureshiko, who noticed that Sayaka had used magic, reaches the relic just as Tatsumi agrees to meet the new version of Sayaka again, and declares that she no longer cares what he does.
Tatsumi presents his new information to Tamotsu, who admits that he is impressed. At home, Tatsumi notices that Ureshiko seems upset, and tells her that a smile suits her better. Sayaka, in turn, praises herself for her cleverness in transforming her body. All three decide that being grown up is a fun, if challenging endeavor.