Lunch with Jim and A.Ron
Episode 34 (6x34)
Jim and A.Ron discuss the latest TNG episodes A.Ron has seen; filming locations they have visited; the new KFC chicken/donut aberration; plans for future Telltale playthroughs; Fargo S4 hype; A.Ron’s favorite Bill Simmons guests; Andrew Yang’s UBI; an El Camino prep suggestion; some kind of Tic-Tac-Tech; VR gaming; Bald Move action figures must-have accessory; the problem with ear hairs; the blight of empty malls; thoughts on remakes/reboots/sequels/prequels; a podcast suggestion; Bald Move boners and blown edits; suggestions on club membership; would they choose to learn their own future; what the perfect breakfast consists of; finally, who needs to be Incepted.