Bite Me (2021)

Bite Me (2021)

Realization (1x6)


The Famous Boat Racing, The City of Black Ivory, Paintings at Wat Phumin, The Land of Golden Orange, and The Brilliant Phra That Chae Haeng. (This is the slogan of Nan Province) The province that whoever travels to will definitely fall in love like Aue who falls in love....Nan. Aue feels guilty sending Aek to participate The Chef program.He did that maybe because he wanted to resolve the conflict in his heart. That's why he decides to go to Nan Province. Aek's going to Nan province this time make Aek accepts and decides to do what he really loves to do. Everything that happens lets Aek start to realize his own feeling. The warmth in their hearts will eventually become love or not....

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