Monster Garage
Monster Nation 1 - American Monsters (2x2)
Shopping Cart / Go-Cart & Rock Crawler
In this special edition of Monster Garage, the crew goes on a road trip to see homemade monsters across the country.
Shop Class Monster
Build Crew: Martin Aguilar, Ernesto Cornejo, Jaime Rodriguez, Christian Ponce, Eric Cortes, Eddie Moreno, Elizabeth Garcia, Patrick Chung
Suburban Monster - 1973 Ford Bronco, 1960s Ford GT 40 Look-alike
Build Crew Bernardo Rodriguez, Marty Maler, Richard Weissensel, David Swingle, Steve Slump, Bryan Pearce, Dennis Steibel, Eric Weber
In a side plot, the crew visits various Monster Cars across the country.
Dobbertin Surface Orbiter - Pennellville, New York Shortfut High - Magnolia, Delaware Bad Taste Bar-B-Q - Houston, Texas Close Enough Cars - Seattle, Washington The Wheel - Walled Lake, Michigan Draka - Geriach, Nevada