Pretty Cure
She's Born! The Perfect Smile, Cure Happy!! (9x1)
While running to the 1st day of her new school, the happy-go-lucky Miyuki Hoshizora encounters a fairy named Candy, who leaves behind a pink book. As Miyuki checks out the library later that day, she discovers a strange entrance, taking her to a strange place where she learns Candy is being chased by the wolf Wolfrun, who is making people in the town fall into despair and steals their bad energy with a goal of ressurecting Pierrot. As Miyuki strives to protect Candy, she is given a magical item known as the Smile Pact, using it to transform into a PreCure named Cure Happy. As Miyuki becomes reluctant to fight, Wolfrun summons a monster to fight against her, but with help from Candy, Miyuki manages to realise her power and defeat it, receiving an item known as a Cure Decor. Miyuki decides to help Candy in her quest to recover Cure Decors and save her kingdom.