Security Now
SHAmbles (1x751)
This Week's Stories:
- Is Apple actually encrypting our iCloud storage backups?
- 250 Million Microsoft Customer Support Records Exposed Online
- New York state is aiming to ban the use of public funds for Ransomware
- New Muhstik Botnet Attacks Target Tomato Routers
- Chrome under attack from browser extensions
- Firefox under attack from browser extensions
- NIST publishes a new Privacy Framework
- Hacker Leaks More Than 500K Telnet Credentials for IoT Devices
- A Welcome “Micro Patch” for the Windows IE jscript.dll 0-day vulnerability
- SHA-1 is a Shambles.
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For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site:, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6.