Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
The Messenger (3x44)
T.V reports ran all over the news about the D-Reaper and it's agents of destruction. Many people over the news believe that Hypnos is responsible for the chaos but the company defends itself. At the school Rika and Henry wake up and find Takato at the window sill. He says that he couldn't sleep because he was worried about Jeri. They all later on then decide to go to Takato's bakery until they read a letter from all of their parents telling them to come to Rika's house for some food and refreshments. Meanwhile Impmon annoys Calumon and they talk about Jeri. During the conversation Impmon develops a conscience. At Rika's house they all get a distress call on their D-Powers and their parents decide to let them go. In the battlefield they attack the agents of the D-Reaper but it's not chasing them but a girl named Alice and Dobermon instead. Alice says that she a Dobermon were sent on a quest to find the Tamers from the Digimon Soveriegn. In order for them to save the world they needed to