Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Reunion (3x42)
Every Tamer returned to their parents. Rika and her mom are staying at a hotel for a while. There Rika and Renamon see the reports on the news about the D-Reaper. At Hypnos Yamaki and Janyu along with the monster makers are trying to find a way to beat the D-Reaper but nothing works. Henry and his family are staying at Henry's sensai's house. They also see the reports and Henry wants to go but his mother is worried about him. She eventually lets him go. Also Rika's mom has turned over a new leaf and decides to let Rika make her own wise descisons so Rika gets to go to. Meanwhile Takato tries to find a way to defeat it on his own but Rika and Henry still stop him. They join together to put this menace to an end!