Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
The Battle Within (3x36)
Gallantmon and Beelzemon start their battle. As they fight the whole Digital World starts to shake. Zhuquiomon cares less and orders his last deva Catsuramon to destroy Lopmon, the traitor. He almost suceeds in killing both Susie and Lopmon until Terriermon saves them. Gallantmon destroys Catsuramon and Beelzemon absorbs his data and becomes stronger. In a blaze of glory Gallantmon uses his ""Shield Of The Just"" attack and knocks him out. He tries to finish him off but Jeri says it's not worth it and Gallantmon spares him. After the battle the golden D-Power appears in front of Takato and Guimon.