Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Give a Little Bit (3x35)
When Megidramon lay on the ground, crippled. His eyes where closed. The power of Megidramon had upset the whole digital world. Not to mention, all of the monitors went haywire. Beelzemon, feeling proud of himself, then attacked with his ""Double inpact""attack. Takato ran over to Megidramon regaurdless to the attack aproaching. He remembered all the times he and Guillmon went through. Then he opened his eyes and saw Megidramon. They where so different. He had gone to a dinosaur that liked peanut butter to a heartless dragon made of rage and hate. He opened his eyes again. and saw Guillmon. He then said he wanted to fight with Guillmon, to defeat Beelzemon! Then Takato in a burst of light ""Bio Emerged"" with guilmon and they became one, GALLANTMON. As the show began to come to an end they faced off, charging at each other, ready to attack........