Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
The Imperfect Storm (3x30)
While looking for the digimon and their tamers, Beelzemon came across a swarm of Kurisarimon. After destroying them with his ""Double shot"" attack, they all DNA digivolved to Infermon. But even Infermon wasn't enough to withstand Beelzemon's Dark Claw attack. He was responsible for Impmon's digivolution, Caturamon, appeared and told Beelzemon to get busy. Rika, at the time was in a forest with Renamon. The flying fish where identified as ""digi nomes"". They led Rika to a lake where the water began to rush. She was pulled in and saved by non other than Calumon! They met Takato and the gang back at the flag. They where all together again. Then Beelzemon showed up to crash the reunion. Meanwhile back in the real world HYPNOS started up Juggernaut again. It caused a storm in the digital world. To fight off Beelzemon, Kyubimon digivolved into Taomon. She made a force field around everone. The storm picked up and Beelzemon took off. After they all realized who Beelzemon was, Caturamon appeared