Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure (3x26)
Kazu, Kenta, Rika, and Renamon find themselves in a windy valley. They are almost crushed by furniture and tire but make it into the home of Jijimon and Babamon, two married Digimon. They begin fighting and Rika finds out that they fight each other out of boredom. The kind couple let the Tamers stay with them for the night. The next day, Rika and Renamon leave when the wind dies down, but Kazu and Kenta stay behind. They ask Jijimon and Babamon to be their partners. They get a little mixed up and soon Kazu and Kenta are playing Digimon with Jijimon and Babamon playing the role of Tamers. Rika came back and took it none too kindly. Using a giant yellow sheet, they created a giant kite and rode it out of the valley, leaving the Digimon couple back to fighting.