Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Juggernaut (3x13)
Takato and Guilmon defeat a digimon called DarkLizarmon. After beating him Yamaki suddenly appears and tells some of his men to capture the data. After doing so he says that it won't be soon until he catches Guilmon's too. Takato then starts to worry that if Guilmon digivolves again he'll become a monster. Meanwhile Rika has a conversation with Renamon. It seems that Rika has finally understood that digimon are more than just packets of data. When Takato goes to the park he sees Kazu and Kenta. They decide to stop playing the card game forever and they think that Guilmon isn't real. He soon gets depressed and Guilmon asks what wrong. He tells Guilmon he's afraid of him digivolving and Guilmon assures him that no matter what form he digivolves to he's still Guilmon. Later Yamaki creates a program called the ""Juggernaut"". The juggernaut is the ultimate program for destroying all digimon. He sends out the program and all the digimon start flying in it like dust in a vaccum. What will the