Digimon: Digital Monsters
Digimon: Digital Monsters
A Question of Trust (3x8)
A kid prankster is loose. Or so everyone thinks. It is just Impmon being his jerkly self. But Takato thinks it is Guilmon and he throws a fit. A Digital Field comes and out of it comes Devidramon. Guilmon tries to fight the huge dude but is overpowered. Terriermon clears a couple of things up to Takato and tells him that it isn't Guilmon scaring people. Takato fells like a true heel and then his D-Power glows and Grolmon is born! Growlmon destroys Devidramon faster than you can say ""dragon slash."" But then Growlmon lets out a huge growl that says that things aren't OK between Takato and the growlmiester. Will Growlmon have Takato for lunch? Find out on the next episode.