Power Rangers
Sorcerer of the Sands (8x32)
Ryan passes out in the desert, is rescued by the assistant of a being known as the Sorcerer of the Sands, an ancient wizard with the knowledge to re-sealing Bansheera and her demons. Such knowledge is needed now more than ever, as Olympius has ventured into the Shadow World, a realm where dead demons go, in an attempt to destroy the Rangers by dragging them into it to face hundreds of zombies! Diabolico seals both his demonic rival and the Rangers within the Shadow World, and it takes intervention by the Sorcerer to help them get freed. Ryan learns of the importance of the golden key, which opened the portal to the Shadow World. But Diabolico turns the Sorcerer to dust for his meddling in the demons' affairs, and Ryan is back to square one in his search for a resolution.