Skin Tight

Skin Tight

Sarah & Roger (2x7)


Sarah turned to food for comfort during her damaging childhood, but her 220-lb weight loss left her with painful sagging skin. At 500-lbs, Sarah was a happy child until the ravages of drug addiction tore her family apart leaving her alone and vulnerable. Sadly, she suffered some traumatic sexual abuse. This tragedy caused her to gain weight excessively and use her obesity as a shield to keep potential abusers from finding her attractive. Later in life, she met a man with wounds of his own, a ex-Marine with PTSD. They found understanding, love and hope in each other which prompted her to have gastric bypass surgery. The weight came off quickly, but she was left with horrific amounts of excess skin that serve as a constant tangible reminder of the traumatic abuse she suffered. Sarah wants to get rid of the skin, close the door on the past and start working towards a degree as a trauma counselor. Roger overcame a challenging life to raise his children but his 300-lb weight loss gave him excess skin. Because of Roger's huge weight, the only job he could hold from his abnormal size was being a nightclub bouncer. Being around that crowd led him to a life of drugs which, at his weight, spun his life out of control. His life turned around when he found out he'd be a father, influencing him to atone for his life of crime and get a gastric sleeve to lose weight rapidly. But he quickly found out that as he lost weight, his body turned into a massive collection of skin. Now, the skin keeps him from getting a job to support his family, or from even enjoying his time with his two kids. If he doesn't get the skin removed, he'll never be able to be the father he meant to become when he first turned his life around.

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  • : 33
  • : 7
  • TLC
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