What on Earth?
Hidden Tomb of Genghis Khan (2x6)
Offshore of South Korea a strange line pattern is seen could this be military preparations or something else; images taken in 2014 of Mongolia show a strange pattern of rock that may mark the tomb of Genghis Khan; in 2012 an airline pilot spots a large "island" near New Zealand that should be open ocean further investigation sees a 200 mile long floating mass; in 2003 scientists see in a Marsh in southern Spain a massive ring pattern and structures buried in the mud could it be Atlantis or the biblical city of Tarshish; in the Algerian Sahara Desert a strange structure and rectangular shape is seen with no explanation could it be from the time of French nuclear testing in the desert; satellite images have confirmed that ISIS thugs have destroyed the ancient temple of Bael in Palmyra but renewed interest from archeologists have discovered more about this ancient city than was known before