Breaking Up With Government (6x33)
Government is like a control freak "friend" who wants to manipulate all aspects of your life. It's time to break it off with government! Here's our show:
LOVE GOV: The Independent Institute and Emergent Order's video series "Love Gov" portrays federal government as an overbearing boyfriend named Gov whose "good intentions" ultimately ruin his girlfriend Alexis' life.
OBAMACARE: Like Gov, Obamacare is premised on the idea that government knows what's best for you. Leftist radio host Richard Fowler says it actually does. He and I debate.
NSA SPYING: Anna and Peter Smith sued President Obama to stop its surveillance program. They've passed their first legal hurdle and reached an appeals court. They discuss their suit with me. But I don't agree with libertarians! I think bulk data collection may be okay.
AID TO HOMEOWNERS: President Obama, the FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac blow more air into the next housing bubble. The Reason's Foundation's Anthony Randazzo explains why this is a scam that benefits rich people while hurting taxpayers.
BUSINESS REGULATIONS: Jared Meyer of the Manhattan Institute says business regulations hurt employment and keep out competition.
MY TAKE: Americans need the courage to break it off with government!