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  • Action Animation Children Comedy



Leak Alert
Episode overview
The Korsairs accidentally make a hole in the island with a super powerful cannonballoon, the "Perforator." Then make it worse trying to fix it as the island crumples noticeably. Will they succeed, before it sags completely?
Maxi Woosh
Episode overview
Pat's upset his woosh is weak. After eating a fruit, his woosh gets incredibly strong!
Captain Seafeld's Treasure
Episode overview
Eager to find a treasure, the Korsairs ask the other Pfffirates for help but do not tell them what it's for, intending to steal the glory. Needless to say, when the truth gets out, the other crews are very unhappy about it!
Honourable Pfffirates
Episode overview
When Pat hears about a magic rope, he runs to get it!
Flying Fish
Episode overview
The Korsairs want to find a pet. Pat gets it into his head to tame the Sharkatak! But the big fish accidentally swallows a helium cannonballoon and starts floating in the air, becoming a danger for the whole island.
Pfffirate Brother And Sister
Episode overview
Wanting to stop Scott from getting yelled at by Mila, Lily poisons relations between the two Krakens. But gets stuck with Scott as a result. She tries to include him in her own crew, but makes matters worse in the process!
A Breath Of Fresh Air
Episode overview
There's a heat wave on Calypso. The Korsairs come across the "Northern Conch," a shell that blows cool air! However, when Pat hooks it up to the island's main valve, it freezes the beaches and the sea surrounding the island!
Save Duncan
Episode overview
Lily messes with Mila's boomerang and gets it confiscated by Duncan!
Daddy Pat
Episode overview
Pat finds some turtles that ought to be left alone. The Korsair grows very fond of them!
Calypso Merfffmaid
Episode overview
Lily tells her peers about her encounter with a mythical merfffmaid. But when everyone makes fun of her, thinking she's lying, she stages a whole pretense, prompting them to go in search of the "Calypso Merfffmaid!"
Proud Pat
Episode overview
After being stung by a Stripy Skeeter, Pat floats like a helium balloon! He tries to save face so as not to miss out on that day's race but finally has to cough up the truth to the other Pfffirates in order to avert disaster.
Screams On The High Seas
Episode overview
Pat has had it with Mila's screams. So when she loses her voice ("yes!") he makes fun of her. Lamar notices and puts him at the Krakens' helm! Pat is sure he can be a better captain than Mila, but the Krakens beg to differ!
Message In A Bottle
Episode overview
While cleaning the beach as a punishment for bickering, Lily and Plume find a washed-up bottle with what looks like a treasure map inside! Plume is disturbed by this discovery. Does she know what secret it holds?
Trading Captains
Episode overview
After getting into an accident, the Phoenixes are without a boat for the big race. The Korsairs take Plume on board as part of their crew, but now, Pat has a particularly bossy colleague to contend with!
How Time Pffflies
Episode overview
After losing a race, Pat finds an artifact that turns time back one hour. He uses it to try to win the race this time, but loses again, learning the lesson that one must accept the past rather than try to change it.
Where'd The Wiki Go
Episode overview
When Zora's Wiki-Knows-All goes missing, the Korsairs lead an investigation to retrieve it. Noticing Scott's sudden repeated bursts of intelligence, they wonder if he might have something to do with the book's disappearance..
Three Korsairs And A Skeeter
Episode overview
Lily takes a liking to a baby multicolored skeeter she injured in the throes of a mission and decides to treat it, against Pat and Stede's will. But even they grow fond of it in the end and go out of their way to save it.
The Bearded Whelk
Episode overview
The Pfffirates are to name their boats. When Pat is unable to come up with an idea, Lily randomly blurts out "The Bearded Whelk." Pat subsequently goes out of his way to change it, endangering his crew in the process!
Downward Spifffral
Episode overview
Covering up for a blunder made by Lily and Stede, Pat gets tangled up in a web of lies and bad deeds of his own, making the situation even worse for the Korsairs than it was to begin with!
The Red Box
Episode overview
The Korsairs find an artifact that jumbles their personalities: Stede becomes like Lily, Pat like Stede and Lily like Pat. Now they must find a way to get their personalities back while confronting their shortcomings.
Critters Gone Crazy
Episode overview
Calypso's animals are getting more and more aggressive. Pat wants to focus on today's challenge but when he and his friends delve deeper, they realize the dire consequences this environmental issue could happen on the island.
The Inflate Snake
Episode overview
Terrified by a tale told by Lamar, Pat decides to tackle a monster she has never managed to defeat: the Inflate-Snake. But he's so intent on overcoming his fear that he ignores the danger and has to be rescued by Lamar.
A Stingy Situation
Episode overview
The Korsairs have punctured Lamar's balloon and must fix it!
King Stede
Episode overview
Stede saves a Toukatok who is attacking him, sparking admiration in the flock.