Karamora embarks on a perilous journey with new allies. He is sure that the truth will change everything. But he is not alone in the fight against evil.
Karamora embarks on a perilous journey with new allies. He is sure that the truth will change everything. But he is not alone in the fight against evil.
The whole underground is against Karamora. There is one place left where the enemies cannot reach. Alina got a second chance from fate, and it's time to use it.
The whole underground is against Karamora. There is one place left where the enemies cannot reach. Alina got a second chance from fate, and it's time to use it.
Underground workers get a chance to figure out evil spirits among the St. Petersburg nobility. One of them, Runevsky, is in danger of dying first: he faces execution.
Underground workers get a chance to figure out evil spirits among the St. Petersburg nobility. One of them, Runevsky, is in danger of dying first: he faces execution.
The Holy Squad is waiting for new blood and new enemies. It's time to gather allies. Will Karamora swear allegiance to the terror king for a good cause?
The Holy Squad is waiting for new blood and new enemies. It's time to gather allies. Will Karamora swear allegiance to the terror king for a good cause?
Such a life is no better than death. While the beloved is preparing to share eternity with another, Karamora and his just cause is about to sink into the past.
Such a life is no better than death. While the beloved is preparing to share eternity with another, Karamora and his just cause is about to sink into the past.