Portrait of a Scandalous Family

  • :
  • : 9
  • : 0
  • NOW TV
  • 20
  • Drama Family History



Episode 1
Episode overview
In their magnificent mansion on Büyükada, the family led by the authoritarian Şakir Pasha and his devoted wife İsmet Hanım is thrown into turmoil when their son Cevat returns home after .. show full overview
Episode 2
Episode overview
The tension in the mansion gives way to small conflicts. While İsmet Hanım supports Cevat's decisions, this creates an invisible strain in her relationship with Şakir Pasha. Taking .. show full overview
Episode 3
Episode overview
As Cevat neglects his responsibilities in pursuit of his dreams, Aniesi grows increasingly isolated by his indifference. Şakir Pasha's hardening attitude towards Cevat and his softening .. show full overview
Episode 4
Episode overview
Rozali's unexpected re-entry into Şakir Pasha's life, coupled with his daily secret visits to another house, fuels Aniesi's jealousy and suspicion. The question of whether Şakir Pasha is .. show full overview
Episode 5
Episode overview
Aniesi's moves, driven by jealousy and anger, cause her to push her limits as she tries to uncover the secret between Şakir Pasha and Rozali. Mrs. İsmet begins to suspect her husband's .. show full overview
Episode 6
Episode overview
After the intimacy between Şakir Pasha and Aniesi, although Şakir Pasha tries to distance himself from Aniesi due to the weight of the sin he committed, Aniesi does not give up her .. show full overview
Episode 7
Episode overview
Rozali's sudden arrival on the island creates a silent storm within the family. While İsmet Hanım and Hakkiye are suspicious of who she is, there is no mystery for Aniesi and Rozali—they .. show full overview
8. Bölüm
Episode overview
Rozali’nin aniden adaya gelişi, aile içinde sessiz bir fırtına yaratır. İsmet Hanım ve Hakkiye onun kim olduğuna dair şüphe içindeyken, Aniesi ve Rozali için ortada bir bilinmezlik .. show full overview
9. Bölüm
Episode overview
Rozali’nin varlığı Şakir Paşa’yı huzursuz ederken İsmet Hanım başta olmak üzere köşktekilerin gerginliğini artırır. Rozali ise herkesi rahatsız etmekle kalmayacak öfkesini tüm aileden .. show full overview
