As it Happened - Hitlers Bodyguard

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  • Documentary



Early Attempts on Hitler's Life
Episode overview
Many of his early followers and bodyguards remained loyal to him and were rewarded by Hitler. They included later Nazi leaders Rudolf Hess, SA leader Ernst Rohm, former war pilot Hermann .. show full overview
Kill the New Chancellor
Episode overview
In 1934, Hitler became Chancellor. There were so many attempts on his life that a special SS escort of eight bodyguards looked after him. Soon the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler was .. show full overview
Night of the Long Knives
Episode overview
Plotting and power struggles between Hitler's "bodyguards" led to the blood purge of the Night of the Long Knives, which strengthened Hitler's grip on power by gaining him the support of .. show full overview
Jewish and Emigre Attempts
Episode overview
Disaffected Jews living inside and outside Germany plotted to assassinate Hitler and other leading Nazis as counter-intelligence and security agencies expanded in Germany. From the UK in English and German.
Kill Hitler Before War Starts
Episode overview
This episode covers the period from 1938 to the invasion of Poland in 1939. Hitler's annexation of Austria and then Czechoslovakia and his plans to invade Poland led to serious attempts .. show full overview
Bombs and Paranoia
Episode overview
Rommel is put in charge of a new unit of bodyguards for the Fuhrer in 1939, just before the invasion of Poland. And, in a Munich beer hall, an attempt on Hitler's life fails.
Hitler’s Dangerous Car Journeys
Episode overview
Hitler was a car fanatic. His love of travelling through massive crowds in open-topped Mercedes presented his guards with particular problems. While following his armies during the Blitzkriegs in Poland and France, Hitler puts himself in danger
Hitler’s Aircraft And Flights Into Fear
Episode overview
Hitler appreciated the power of aircraft, not only as a military weapon, but as a political tool. During the early 1930s, he hired aircraft for election campaigning, often facing weather .. show full overview
Hitler’s Dangerous Train Journeys
Episode overview
As Hitler's empire expanded, the need for a secure, mobile military headquarters led him to use a Special Train, the Führer-Sonderzug. Code named 'Amerika', this became an armored .. show full overview
Attempts To Kill Hitler At The Wolf’s Lair
Episode overview
Hitler's most famous headquarters, the Wolfschanze or 'Wolf's Lair', was near Rastenburg deep in the forests of East Prussia. From here Hitler directed the titanic campaign against the Soviet Union.
Nearly Assassinated At The Berghof.
Episode overview
The Berghof, near Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Obersalzberg, was the nearest Hitler had to a home. Here he was surrounded by close colleagues and their families, and relax amid the mountain scenery.
The Poison Gas Plot In The Bunker
Episode overview
By early 1945, Hitler was held up in his bunker deep beneath the Reichschancellery as the Red Army surrounded Berlin. His colleagues and officers plot to either kill Hitler or escape the bunker and negotiate with the Allies.
How Hitler’s Bodyguard Worked
Episode overview
In the 1920s, Hitler recruited street-fighting bullies to guard party meetings. They would soon become known as the SA. As Hitler's career evolved, the SA grew and their rival SS was created and competed for the powerful position of guarding Hitler.