Tina Vrbnjak

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Tina Vrbnjak graduated in stage acting in the class of Professors Jožica Avbelj and Jernej Lorenci at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, University of Ljubljana. During her studies she prominently appeared in Little Boat for Dolls by Milena Marković, and in Roberto Zucco by Bernard-Marie Koltès at the Drama Ljubljana. She has been a resident ensemble member since 2009. In addition, she has often performed as guest at the Mladinsko Theatre, the Glej Theatre and Cankarjev dom. A distinctly inimitable actress who tackles her roles with a clear vision of the world, Vrbnjak never fails to fascinate with her versatile acting expression, clarity and humour. She has authored several original projects, including Marie Curie – Hystérie, a mockumusical, and a theatre talk show How to Stay Beautiful and Free. In addition to stage acting, she often appears in films and is involved in dubbing cartoons for the Slovenian national television.
