Democracy Now!
Thursday, June 12, 2014 (2014x117)
2014/06/12 Headlines: Iraq Faces Disintegration as Militants Seize More Towns; U.S. Resumes Drone Strikes in Pakistan, Killing 14; Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah Sentenced to 15 Years; Cantor to Step Down as House Majority Leader After Primary Loss; Cantor's Resignation Sets Off GOP Leadership Race; Brat Unsure About Minimum Wage; Dem. Opponent is Faculty Colleague; Senate GOP Blocks Measure to Lower Student Loan Payments; Hagel Defends Taliban Prisoner Swap in House Testimony; Senate OKs Expanded VA Healthcare; FBI Opens Criminal Probe of Delays; Rights Groups Allege Mistreatment of Child Migrants by U.S. Border Agency; New York City to Pay $583,000 for False Arrest of Occupy Protesters