Tattoo Age
Thom deVita, Part 1 (2x7)
Tattoo Age is very proud of the fact that we are featuring Thom deVita. Even though Thom has been tattooing and creating art for almost 50 years, there is not much in the way of information on him. He began tattooing in the mid 1960's in New York City's Lower East Side (tattooing was illegal from 1961-1997) and quickly began to forge his own style. He drew influences from everything from Puebla indian designs to Lord and Taylor shopping bags for his tattoos designs. Thom also began to form relationships with other tattooers around the United States who were revolutionizing tattooing as art form by bringing in influences that went far beyond the usual array of images found in most American tattoo parlors at the time. Thom and his work are hard to describe, but we have interviewed Ed Hardy, Nick Bubash, Clayton Patterson, John Wyatt, Scott Harrison, Angelo Scotto, Robert Ryan, and Bubba Reeves to help tell Thom's incredible story.