Simsala Grimm
The Hare and the Hedgehog (3x3)
The story follows a hedgehog who is tired of being mocked by the hare for his short legs and slow pace. Determined to teach the hare a lesson, the hedgehog challenges him to a race. The hare, confident of his victory, accepts the challenge. The clever hedgehog devises a plan with his wife, who looks very similar to him. They position themselves at the start and finish lines of the race. As the race begins, the hare sprints ahead, only to find the hedgehog's wife waiting at the finish line, giving the impression that the hedgehog has beaten him. The hare, baffled and humiliated, challenges the hedgehog again and again, with the same outcome each time. Exhausted and defeated, the hare learns a valuable lesson about underestimating others.