Samurai Pizza Cats
Double Trouble for Princess Vi (1x9)
The Pizza Cats are busy preparing for the Little Tokyo Arts Festival. When Al Dente receives a message that Princess Vi is going to the festival disguised, he asks the Pizza Cats to protect her. Cheese decides that this is a perfect opportunity to get rid of the Princess and take over the town treasury by creating a powder to make her think she's a dentist when Jerry Attric overhears this and reports it to the Big Cheese. The two retrieve Big Bert. When the Pizza cats blast off to find her, she is actually already at the festival, and Bad Bird poses as the waiter so he can give the Princess a drink with the powder in it. Fortunately, he forgets to add the stuff. Big Cheese summon Big Bert, who tranforms himself into an exact likeness of Vi while Big Al has to deliver all the pizzas while the Cats are out. When Lucille and Vi enter the theatre, Bad Bird is ready to shoot a dart contained with the powder and Speedy attacks him just in time. In another attempt to cahange Vi, Bad Bird deci